Dance Club Shop

*Club shops now operate on a booked slot opening schedule. We offer four, two week long bookings a year, please contact us to ensure your dates are booked. We would like to inform our customers that, due to the unique nature of our products and the customizations involved, there is a 4-6 week lead time from the closing of our club shops. Please note that this lead time may vary depending on the complexity and volume of your order. 

Miss Mac Dance Studio

Shop now

Flying Irish

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Dance Inspiration

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Shamrock School of Dance

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The Academy ANS

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Studio 626

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Red Rose Rollers

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Hag Fold Moris

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O'Sullivan School of Irish dance

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Gallagher School of Irish dance

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Mulvihill academy of Irish dance

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Scoil Rince

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Scoil Rince Nic Conuladh

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Scoil Rince Ceim Oir

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Savage school

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Ferry School

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Theatre and Dance Academy

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Vanshaw Dance Academy

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  Niall Holly

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Bolger Cunningham

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DTK Academy

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Antrim Coast Dance Academy

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Edge Dance Studio

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Highbury Morris Dancers

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Scoil Rince Ni Aogain

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Petrocelli Academy

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Teelin Irish Dance

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Jordan Academy 

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St John's irish dancers

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Ker Academy

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Sasha Morrisey

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Nolan Kerrin

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Ni Nuallain

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Phoenix Academy

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300 Dance Studio

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Grace Kennedy School

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Button Halpin

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